Final Fantasy VII Remake by KaOs (1.18 GB)
Final Fantasy fans have proven anything over the years, it’s their tolerance — and general enjoyment of — the cutscenes. Square-Enix does have a knack for the medium, of course, which makes all those boss fights so rewarding when you settle in for a visual symphony after landing the finishing blow. Onto an even more controversial design directive than the aforementioned ban on voice acting: the backdrops. While the original pre-rendered, 2D environments may have been selected out of necessity, they were wielded with skill. The backdrops — elaborate paintings with a startling attention to detail — often played with perspective to shape the scope of the world.
Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows 95/98
Processor: Pentium @ 133 MHz
Memory: 32 Mb
Hard Drive: 260 Mb free
Video Memory: 4 Mb
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 5.0
DVD Rom Drive
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